Private or Public? A School Choice Parent Preparation Guide

Enrolling a Student in a Private or Public school is a significant choice that can profoundly shape their educational journey. Each option has unique advantages and considerations that Parents and Families should review throughout the choosing process. In this guide, we explore five key factors to help Parents and Families determine whether a Private or Public school is the best fit for their Student(s).

Key FactorAcademic Philosophy and Approach*

One of the fundamental considerations when choosing between Private and Public schools is the academic philosophy and approach of each. Private schools often have the flexibility to design their curriculum based on specific educational philosophies. Public schools, on the other hand, typically follow state-mandated Curricula. Parents and Families should consider which educational philosophy aligns with their values alongside the learning styles of their Student(s). 

Key FactorClass Size and Individualized Attention*

Class size plays a crucial role in the learning experience. Private schools tend to have smaller classes, allowing for more individualized attention and personalized instruction. Alternatively, Public schools are often larger and may offer a broader range of tools and resources due to their size. 

Key FactorExtracurricular Opportunities

Extracurricular activities play a vital role in a Student’s development. Usually, Private and Public schools offer different opportunities in this regard. Public schools typically have a wide array of clubs, sports, and arts programs because of higher enrollment numbers on average. Private schools, however, may emphasize certain activities or offer unique opportunities based on specific focus areas. 

Key FactorDiversity and Community

Evaluating the diversity of student bodies and the sense of community present when researching schools is imperative. Public schools often reflect our society, exposing students to diverse backgrounds and perspectives. Private schools may have a more homogeneous population but could offer a tight-knit community with a shared ethos. By reflecting on what environment will best nurture their Student’s social development and cultural awareness, Parents and Families can make a more informed decision moving forward. 

Key Factor: Financial Considerations*

Private schools typically come with tuition costs, while Public schools are tuition-free. Parents and Families should assess their financial situation and weigh the costs against the perceived benefits of a private education. Additionally, exploring options such as scholarships and financial aid to make Private school education more affordable is imperative. 

Choosing between Private and Public schools is a deeply personal decision that should meet a Student’s needs and match a family’s value system. As a Public school, Iowa Choice Charter believes in and understands the power of offering guidance to help facilitate a decision-making process founded on knowledge. 

Considering aspects like academic philosophy, class size, extracurricular opportunities, diversity, and financial responsibility when determining the best school can make the final decision easier! It’s also important to note that the best fit for one Student may not be the best for another. With that in mind, Parents and Families should take the time to thoroughly research and visit prospective schools to ensure a well-informed decision that sets their Student(s) on the path to a successful and fulfilling educational journey! 

*While the purpose of this Blog Post is to provide an unbiased guide for Parents and Families to determine what type of school is the best fit, we want to share the aspects of our school that do not necessarily align with the culture and experiences of other Public schools: 

  • Academic Philosophy and Approach: Iowa Choice Charter School can tailor coursework to meet the needs of Students. While our Accredited Curriculum must meet state guidelines, we can shift certain aspects of our teachings to offer a personalized academic experience for every Student. Plus, if Students are interested in opportunities outside of our immediate learning environment (including, but not limited to, apprenticeships, college-level courses, and internships), we can support them beyond what we offer firsthand. We connect Students directly to these types of opportunities. 

  • Class Size and Individualized Attention: Iowa Choice Charter School operates with smaller class sizes and provides individualized attention to every Student despite being a Public School. Additionally, we match each Student with a Mentor. Mentors meet with Students consistently and help them navigate anything they may be going through personally and professionally. 

  • Financial Considerations: Iowa Choice Charter School is FREE for all Students who meet our enrollment requirements. Plus, as we operate in an environment that is 100% virtual, we provide all technology and resources on behalf of Students (including, but not limited to, laptops, internet access, and textbooks) to help provide access and remove any financial barriers that may prevent Students from attending a school like ours! 


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