Winter Break Wisdom: A Student Success Preparation Guide

As winter break approaches, High School Students are undoubtedly looking forward to enjoying their well-deserved time off from classes, exams, and the hustle of the school year. Of course, relaxation is a definite must! And, this break also offers a valuable opportunity for Students to get a head start on the upcoming term. 

We do acknowledge that for some, the only practical strategy to implement while on a break is to find opportunities to rest. And, we acknowledge that some individuals are currently searching for guidance on how to prepare for what is to come since they feel this is best for them in the moment. Neither of these mindsets are wrong and both pathways can set the stage for a successful future! 

By taking a closer look at 5 success strategies through this Blog Post (what we’d like to call the 5 R’s!), we are providing practical recommendations for any Student to make the most of their winter break. It is our hope that when Students find themselves in need of direction during this time, they can access positive and encouraging resources - similar to those shared through our Cobra Connection Blog - and move forward by tapping into their resiliency.  

Success Strategy | Rest

It’s important for Students to recognize that feeling unmotivated is not an uncommon experience. In fact, it is quite a normal occurrence (and reoccurrence) for most people! With that in mind, we know how necessary it is to remind Students to recharge as a part of preparing for the future.

Although we believe it is important for Iowa Choice Charter School Students to get ready for the next school term over winter break, their prioritizing self-care throughout this time is equally as important to us. In addition to cultivating a mind that is rejuvenated and therefore better equipped to handle the demands of life and school, Students who rest properly through implementing proven methods of recovery (i.e. adequate sleep, engaging in hobbies that bring joy, spending time with friends/family) are more likely to experience a better quality of life overall.  

Success Strategy | Rehydrate 

There are certain times of the year that seem to lend themselves toward a focus on working hard to achieve as much as possible and reach new milestones. And, there are other times of year that serve as a refresher for us to slow down and put our needs first. The winter season is typically recognized as the latter: a time to rehydrate, both physically and mentally, and get ready for the future challenges and opportunities that will arise.

While we encourage the practice of staying hydrated on a physical level, we’d also like to use this space to introduce our perspective surrounding mental hydration. When we are dehydrated physically, our bodies can struggle to carry out normal functions. This is because we are losing more fluid than we are taking in. The same concept can be applied to mental health: when we are giving more to others than what we are giving to ourselves, we can become mentally drained and feel overwhelmed about the path that lies ahead.  

As apart of our structure here at Iowa Choice Charter School, we work with all Students to review any upcoming responsibilities and identify the presence of potential challenges. If there are Subjects or Topics that are unfamiliar or have historically been challenging for certain Students, we assist them in accessing additional resources in an effort to be proactive. This process supports Students in rehydrating their mind as it teaches them to give back to themselves before fully jumping back in to their educational responsibilities. 

Success Strategy | Reflect 

Before diving into preparations for the upcoming term, it is important to us that Iowa Choice Charter School Students reflect on their previous school term. As they reflect, they can think about what worked for them, pinpoint what contributed to their success,  and consider areas that could be improved. 

Some questions that may help with their reflection process could range anywhere from: ‘Was there a struggle with time management, certain Subjects, or maintaining a healthy balance between school and personal life?’ to: ‘Are there strategies that can be implemented in an effort to achieve even more success as the new term approaches?’. Reflecting on these types of aspects could ensure that Students identify specific goals for the upcoming semester. 

Success Strategy | Reenergize

Once adequate reflection has taken place, Students can set specific academic goals alongside determining the internally desired goals that they hope to work towards in the new term. Whether they wish to improve grades, keep in touch with friends more consistently, better participate in class discussions, earn a pay raise at their part-time job, or reach out for more help as soon as they are in need of it, goal setting plays an important role simply because it can provide a sense of direction and purpose. 

Students at Iowa Choice Charter School are taught the SMART Goals Method. This means that our Educators, Leaders, and Mentors help Students generate and establish goals that are: 

  • Specific - A goal should be clear and intentional in outlining what is to be achieved as well as who is going to work towards it.

  • Measurable - To determine if progress towards any goal is being made, a system of measurement (specific to a certain goal) needs to be put in place beforehand. 

  • Attainable | Achievable - Goals must be realistic; external circumstances should be considered in order to develop goals that are reasonable. 

  • Relevant - A goal should fit the current stage of life an individual is in and can be used as a reference point for future goals. 

  • Time-Bound - Every goal needs to have an expected date of completion that is specific. 

In an effort to jumpstart their brainstorming tactics, we may suggest that Students register for free online courses or workshops hosted by third-party organizations that are related to their Coursework, participate in job shadowing opportunities, or read literature that has not been assigned, but is related to their current Curriculum. Students who take advantage of enrichment opportunities that are in alignment with their interests, academic or otherwise, can deepen their understanding of certain Subjects while enhancing their overall learning experience. 

Success Strategy | Reorganize 

Winter breaks can serve as the perfect time to declutter physical and digital spaces. At Iowa Choice Charter School we offer ideas surrounding tangible activities for Students to take part in such as cleaning out their backpacks, organizing their study and class materials, going through digital files to determine what is necessary and what can be discarded, and more. 

A well-organized space can positively impact focus and productivity and set the stage for a fresh start in the new term. Additionally, creating time blocks for the next term (i.e. outlining classes, dedicating study times for each Subject, tracking extracurricular activities, and making note of any other commitments) can positively impact the development of a realistic schedule overall. Plus, it can help Students visualize commitments, implement a balanced approach as it relates to their personal and professional goals as a whole, as well as observe the benefits of taking out time in the moment to better manage their time in the future.   

The 5R’s (1 - Rest | 2 - Rehydrate | 3 - Reflect | 4 - Reenergize | 5 - Reorganize) that we’ve listed as strategies to guide Students as they navigate winter break are all strategies we feel are essential for success. Iowa Choice Charter School motivates Students to be proactive in all areas of life and with our Mission of increasing the High School graduation rate across the state as our guide, we go above and beyond to do this whenever and however we can. During this season, we inspire Students to keep in mind that a thoughtful approach to their winter break can make a significant positive impact on their personal journeys, now and in the future!


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